Signs and Banners Design

The design process varies depending on the type of sign and the material used. We must also take into consideration lighting and electrical integrations, installation location and overall purpose. Because of these factors, it is recommended to have new signage designed by dedicated sign makers and designers such as CLSS.

Signs Design

Have your signage concept designed and produced by CLSS. From design comp to manufacturing-ready blue prints, CLSS can make this process easy for you.

Banners Design

Get a professional banner design by CLSS. Banners and flags have unique design specifications that are made specifically for easy-viewing from a distance.

For all custom sign projects and/or consultations, please give us a call at (519) 969-0419 and we’ll be happy to help with any questions regarding our products and services and how we can help your business.

2020 © Canada Lighting and Sign Service